Monday, November 2, 2009

an extra hour? then why am I so tired?!?

I'm like the kids when they were little.
They can't be fooled... you may change the time on the clock, but it's still 7:00... even if it says only six...
They were up...
and so am I?!?

I was up at 5 something this morning.... had to get up... went downstairs and made coffee.
Sat in the silent darkness of our living room on a Monday before the busy of morning... drinking my mmmm hot coffee...
So quiet...

And now I am tired and it's 8:15?!?
It's foggy... and frosty... I want to crawl back in bed...

But it's Monday at Mon...
and today I'm going to human resources to apply for that job!?!?

what a wonderful weekend though
warm and sunny Friday...dinner and a movie with the Leons
A Beautiful Sunday for a birthday and a lovely little gathering at gramps and mimi's.
Do dah and mick were down for the weekend...
With a wet halloween Saturday to stay in and just get caught up on stuff!
Really, all we did all day was hand out candy for an hour...

BUT that extra hour really was put to excellent use... the gift exchange was revamped and distributed!??!
major accompishment!
Christmas here we come?!?!?
{although I think i'm going to try to have a 'lenten' advent!}

and Dom and Vanessa moved!

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