Tuesday, February 23, 2010

healthy hunger

DSC_0106is it this 'good' fast
or is it hospice
or is it both

to realize what a blessing it is to feel hungry

i usually numb myself with 'the coffee'
the first part of the day
then mindlessly munch 'the junk'...
the whole afternoon
till something in me is satisfied...
and then gorge at dinner
and feel uncomfortable and like I never want to eat again....

and then repeat nearly the same scenario again
the next day

to eat with deliberation
what a novel idea?!?!

especially after a day with 'wally'
and the only thing he consumes anymore that doesn't make him feel nauseous
is popcorn?!?
and those mikshake things...ensure....

thank you, Lord for that rumbly in my tummy
and for the good food that is so available to us this day.....
I am grateful

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