Sunday, February 28, 2010

surprised by unexpected beauty

pile of lace
another day of waking to the sound of the snow plow
going up and down the street
six more inches

tired of the snow
couldn't even force myself to go out to look for something to photograph

tired of being home
didn't even want to open a closet door or drawer
to do the lenten purge
before the day was done I succumbed to obedience...
and there in the linen closet were some old quilts
a bag of lace
embroided linens
crocheted pieces...
from the great grandmas' "dowries"
and my hope is renewed...
there are still surprises!

I am surprised by unexpected beauty
even within the confines of this old house
there is hope that I will continue to be able to 'see'

I'm hoping for "something, anything 'new' under the SUN" anxious for sun...

but here in 'obedience'
in my own little world
I am surprised not by the new
but by what has been there all long
the old, the beautiful...

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