Thursday, March 18, 2010

one flower

flowers again

it's amazing what a little sun does...
we surely feel it after this long snowy winter...
it's warm
the ground is beginning to push greenness right up out of itself
we have a few brave flowers
and soon the trees will burst forth their colours
and more and more flowers?!?

oh the joy
we can hardly contain ourselves
I see the kids walking across campus in flip flops and shorts
when there's still frost on the ground
in expectation of a beautiful afternoon!?!?

look how different
this one lone  little crocus flower looks
all I did was change the exposure on my camera
from .001 of a second to .004 of a second

same everything else!??!
same view
taken within instants of each other

a little more light
that's all that was changed

what about our lives...
how we see our selves, our moments, our relationships

what can we change to produce the same dramatic difference?

adding just a little more light
caused such a obvious change in one little photo

but what if I added just a little more light 'of Christ'
to all I saw...
all I did

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