Thursday, April 1, 2010

a Holy day...Thursday

following the night...
another gift...of day
from our God

sunny, birds, April!

last night we did something new...
something we've never done before
or even heard of before
unusual at our age!?!?

a pre-triduum vigil?!?
preparation for these holy days
a candle lit church service with seven readings
mostly from Lamentations
and after each reading a candle is extinquished
till you are left in the dark
and leave in silence...

a wonderful little addition to Holy Week

I woke in the night to spring peepers!
knew what they were immediately
even though it's been a year
since a thought of them has entered my mind??!?!
~I wonder what else I don't think of~
couldn't figure where in town they could be living
and then realized decker's creek runs just behind the school
hence the bridge, duh

but it was kind of a revelation to me
in the middle of the night

those things we do not think of...
not those things we expend wasted energy on trying to repress...
but things we just do not have cause to think of
natural sepia
and then suddenly we think of them!
they re-enter our reality
like a peeper in a silent spring night

memories are recalled
some good
some just never got sorted out
were never understood
it causes a disturbance in the present reality...
simply because suddenly
something never even in the realm of thought
is brought to mind

questions are asked
hoping for resolution
hoping for answers from out there somewhere
but no one hears the questions that wake me in the night

but they are answered
of course
as always
by that Holiest of Spirits
that dwells within
and searches the hearts of all those upon the earth

He hears my silent questions
and answers with spring peepers in the middle of the night

1 comment:

Jetta... said...

First time reading your blog and all I can say is...

simply gorgeous.

I will be back. I hope your Easter celebration is perfect!
