Tuesday, April 27, 2010

raspberry leaf tea and ginger juice

at rossi

today a little laundryDSC_0499
and then a drive into HeidelbergDSC_0513
for a meeting of the last two pregnant moms of the birthing class and their husbands and the nonni
they were in search of the ginger juice that supposedly sets the labour into motion
but alas
no ginger juice
how dare they disappoint two overdue women like that!?!

but later walking around and finishing some shopping
we passed a juice bar
and they had it!
she got a LARGE!?!

and there is a full moon...DSC_0488

I think we are almost there...
he is almost here!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i adore the photo of the little socks. lovely!

xo Alison