Monday, June 7, 2010

the greatest gift we can give our children, is roots to grow and wings to fly

that saying was one that my mother-in-law kept
on her fridge
and had written out for her wall

it comes back to me often

as I think about tomorrow being June 8

the first anniversary of the day we put our oldest on a plane to Spain
to walk the el camino de Santiago
to begin the journey of a lifetime
and as I continue to contemplate the lesson of the birds....

they are gone
sometime over the last few days
they flew the coup!

Today's reading was 'the beatitudes' from Matthew
(the gospel from our wedding)

Blessed are the poor in spirit

"We have to see that we need something outside of ourselves...
We were made to be in relationship,
first with our God
but also with other people

To be poor in spirit means that we need to be enriched,
we don't have all the resources for happiness within ourselves
It means acknowledging our emptiness..."
                       The Word Among Us

our empty nest

represents the relationships
and the need
in my life

with God
and the family he has given...
           You did not choose me
           but I chose you
           and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit
                                John 15:16

           Then God blessed them
           and God said to them
           "Be fruitful and multiply...."
                                Genesis 1:28

there's been a lot of going
and alot of fruit
over the years

our parents and their parents before us

it is all as it should be...
according to God's plan...

and under His loving hand

again back to Matthew 10:29-31
         are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin?
         and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will
         but the very hairs of your head are all numbered
         Do not fear therefore;
            you are of more value than many sparrows

and so they fly...........
my preicous little birds

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