Saturday, August 28, 2010

something about beauty

Susan at Just a moment posted this lovley little blessing
      "May your life reflect beauty
                   as you pass through
                         its moments of messiness"
It's simplicity touches me
perhaps because it is what I long for
It's Psalm 27:4
     [David's {and my} prayer]
       One thing I desire
       this shall I seek
       that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
       all the days of my life
       to behold the beauty of the Lord
and Psalm 29:2
      Worship the Lord
      in the beauty of holiness
...and goes along with the Frederick Buechner quote
that was revealed to me the other day thru
Sandra Heska King's blog
       "The place God calls us to
            is the place where our deep gladness
                 and the world's deep hunger meet"
Something about
holiness being beautiful
and our call to be holy being our purpose
and fulfilling our purpose glorifying God

that they may see the good that we do
       and give glory to God
                     Matthew 5:16
Is there a 'world hunger' for beauty?
does it fit somewhere on Maslow's hierarchy of human need?
perhaps not
but there is a need for order
and somehow beauty provides that soothing we need
that rest
that place
that holy place
that only God can fill


S. Etole said...

This is simply beautiful ... thank you for passing along the blessing as seen through your eyes. I am touched.

Anonymous said...

I think beauty is in the hierarchy of needs. We do it simply, with images on our walls, plants in our gardens, even the fabric which covers our bodies. I think that men have traditionally done the writing (like Maslow)so it is not recognized as beauty rather than clothing or beauty rather than foods from the plants.


bernie said...

"Tell them, dear that if eyes were made for seeing, then beauty is it's own excuse for being." The Rhodora, Ralph Waldo Emerson

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

the loveliest blog posting!

steve bell has a song in keeping with this ~ why do we hunger for beauty?
in case you're into beauty in music too :)