Sunday, September 26, 2010

closing windows...opening doors

hubby and I have each gone around
reluctantly closing windows
succumbing to the reality that it is not getting any warmer today
[perhaps... tomorrow?!?]

we are in a new and glorious season
     "Behold, I make all things new"
                                 Revelation 21:5

last week's hot afternoons
     that made the 'creek crawl' possible
have come to their end...
we drove up to the 'burgh last night
    to make a little convalescent visit
and noticed how dark it was as 7:00?!?
today is the baptism in the Spirit
     "a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord"
                              Acts 3:19
tomorrow is the second of the three intoductory sessions
in my hon's lecture series
for adult formation
"why Christian? why Catholic?"
and this week I am preparing for
my first exhibit of photographs!
As part of the ARTS Walk

windows may be closing, but doors are opening...
"Arts Walk - October 1st, 2010
Arts Walk is sponsored by Main Street Morgantown,
Monongalia Art Center (MAC)
and Arts Monongahela
and takes place in downtown Morgantown.
Arts Mon and MAC are information points for the Arts Walk.
You can get the inside scoop on where the artists are
and what’s happening downtown.
Plan the perfect Friday night.
From 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
you can visit over forty downtown businesses
 and see artwork from local artists.
As you stroll through downtown,
collect four fantastic bookmarks
featuring Morgantown Area Artists.
These artists are culture-makers
 who challenge the status quo
and advance our region’s Arts… plus they are your neighbors.
You can find them at Arts Monongahela, MAC,
Main Street Morgantown
and pretty much every other business downtown!
Enjoy music at numerous locations
and a variety of unique dining choices."
Arts Walk
It has been difficult
choosing which prints to show?!?!?
but it is a wonderful feeling walking
into my freshly cleaned and 'repurposed' studio
and seeing my images framed!

I know there are so many great artists out there
manipulating and creating with photoshop
and textures and layers
and I've taken the classes
and I've tried to imitate their wonderful wispy images
I so love the images they create...
but somehow for me it seems disingenuous

for me it's about capturing what is actually there
    changing apertures and shutter speeds
         rather than post processing
    composing thru the lens
    gathering the existing natural light
    and not staging or posing subjects
    but shooting what exists naturally around me

my coffee cup and journal
     in the morning
the hand towels embroidered by Nana
     that always hang next to my sink
the light on a bedspread that has been in our family
     for generations
     as it lays folded
     ready for my daughter to take it into her life and home
shells and buckeyes
     brought in from outside
the leaves overhead
the thistles and queen anne's lace
    along the side of the road
a cat in a window
    as I walk into town

my images are probably overly sentimental
and cliche
and they look shallow and flat
compared to some of the richly textured
colorized ones
...I'd love to create when I grow up...
but right now to me this is what I know
and essentially the images are true

[although I admit that sometimes I want to capture something I see
but do not have the courage
and so I will shoot something around the subject
rather than the subject
letting an object possess the memory
rather than shooting straight on]

I love the freedom digital gives me
the ability to shoot
till I've exhausted whatever it is I find beautiful
         in whatever I happen to find beautiful
         at the moment?!?
     is it the colour of the hydrangea or the rose
     that makes them my favorite?
     or their delicacy
     or is it the soft morning light?

I love what light does to subjects
      creating a natural sepia at times
      creating blind spots and flares sometimes
and I love making the light part of the composition
I love capturing the fleeting moments of flickering sunlight
     and fleeting moments
     and movements
frozen in time
     a warm breeze against a piece lace
           hanging at a window
     my nephew's feet
          swinging over my head
     the bride as she rushes past me
     the toddler as he rests for an instant while
          jumping from bed to bed!

my brother says "it's what my little eye spys"
I just try to capture whatever beauty I see before me
of my God given life

nothing more


S. Etole said...

For some reason, I wasn't able to access this yesterday ... your photos are so artistic and gentle. I wish you well on your exhibit.

Mike Igne said...

So glad to see your "intimates" showing, for all the world to see. I see a little ali in most of your compositions. Yes it takes courage, the feelings or thoughts that draw you towards a subject can sometimes reveal so much about what goes through your head. I did the company picnic this weekend (1000 pix in 5hours), and saw alot of good photos that could not be taken, the nape of a neck gets a who's that, the motion of a hand gets a what is that, the slightly out of focus gets a to bad it's not in focus. Because you just know the "viewer" will not see as deep into the subject as the photographer does. But all in all you end up with good pictures that can be enjoyed by all, and I can record the memory of the missed shots in my head and look to try to capture it in the future. Kinda like living a well tempered life??