Saturday, September 4, 2010

grace and lace in the morning light

a sleeping in saturday morning
a morning_0537
a window
a window_0536
a bed
a bed_0538
a closet
a shadow
a shadow_0461
a window
sepia window_0470
some lace
a bit of lace_0466
a bit of an edge
an edge_0467

edge in the middle_0487
a fold
a fold_0468
and a clip
morning lace_0531
and a breeze
This is the day that the Lord has made
let us rejoice and be glad in it
                   Psalm 118:24


S. Etole said...

exquisite ...

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

thanks MUCH for your unexpected response & visit at FHC! longer reply posted there for you ..

loving this 'grace & lace' ~
wondering if you'd considered creating a button widget for your followers to install on our connecting sites?
personally, i couldn't be happier to have one !
also, have you checked out the biwkly post at three from here & there for photo posting cued by their chosen word of the week? i would LoVe to see your submissions. another outlet for you to bless others ~ just a thought ..