Sunday, October 10, 2010

10 10 10 & food (and drink) again....

the 40 day fast is complete

so what I wanted was...
some wonderful warm "break-the-fast" pastry
from Starbuck's or Panerra...

those things that were missed that first part of the day
and never wanted later in the day

and wine

I am not even a regular drinker of wine!?
yet somehow that became something I missed
the transcendent figs_0918
but what I got were figs...
my husband bought me figs?!?!
we've never had figs in our home before!?!?
and surely he has never bought them before...
and...somehow they seem so much more appropriate...
than gooey goodies and alcohol
they seem perfect in fact, scriptural even!

and...maybe that's how it will be with my intentions as well!?

I asked for such and such for so and so...
but maybe the Lord will give something totally different
than what I would ever have even asked for
   or dreamed
   and even craved

Now to Him who is able to do
exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask
or even think
according to the power that works in us,
to Him be glory
                Ephesians 3:20
What was accomplished?

I don't know if I gained any good habits...

This NOT eating for the first 12 ours of the day
actually is what I need NOT to do!
Last lent I tried very consciously to eat in the morning!
I was trying to overcome my life long habit
      of skipping 'the most important meal of the day'
so that aspect of the fast was not difficult for me
DSC_0931and I failed in other areas...

but I did practice presence...
thru ways I never had any intention of doing prior

I prayed the rosary
I read others' prayers
and I prayed with the intention I have not prayed with
in years
Were my radical prayers answered?

Surely they are heard
even though said
in my still


S. Etole said...

and he gave you a wonderful photo op ...

Judie said...

I have had such a disappointing day! It is 10:30 p.m., and I am so ready for something relaxing to happen. And now it has! Thank you so much for your wonderful post. I can sleep now.

Judie said...

p.s. But first, a glass of wine!