Saturday, October 2, 2010

I have heard of You by word of mouth, but now my eye has seen You...Job 42:5

I love these verses from Job...some of my all time favorites
just happening to fall on these days
to bless me even further

"Have you ever in your lifetime
     commanded the morning and shown the dawn its place?"
                           Job  38:12
all I have ever done and ever can do is observe
what every dawn brings
     this week... four rainy mornings
He says to the gentle rain 'Fall on the earth'
                likewise to the heavy rain
then today we wake to a magnificent morning
         He scatters His bright clouds, and they swirl about...
finally sun
       as I pull up to Starbucks readying myself for our women's group
finally Friday
       all the ribbons tied around the cards
       all the prints framed and ready for the evening
finally the first of October
       perfect fall weather for the town to come out to the ARts Walk
       and they did
       ...and even one more...from out of town came
       our Bim called and said he'd be home for the weekend!
I sold some cards
and some of the prints
        ...and was invited to exhibit again...
        by the owner of the Tea Garden gallery

and perhaps my all time favorite....
{It was sung at our wedding}
               Psalm 139
Oh Lord, You have searched me and You know me
      You know when I sit and when I stand
      You understand my thoughts from afar
My journeys and my rest you scrutinize
       with all my ways You are familiar
For there is not a word on my tongue
        that behold, You know it all together
You have hedged me behind and before
       and laid Your hand upon me
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me

Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Where can I flee Your presence?
If I ascend into heaven
       You are there
If I sink into the nether world
       You are there
If I take the wings of the morning
       and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea
       even there shall You guide me
       even there shall Your hand lead me

For You formed my inward parts
       You covered me in my mother's womb
I will praise You for I am fearfully 
       and wonderfully made
For marvelous are Your works
that my soul knows very well....


S. Etole said...

That is such a great verse from Job ...

Sounds like all went well.

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

just lovely ~
have you seen ps 139 at just a gorgeous video~

bernie said...

You need caffeine to "ready" yourself for the women's group?!?