Saturday, November 6, 2010

first flurries...

For as the rain comes down
    and the snow from heaven
and do not return there
but water the earth
and make it bring forth and bud
that it may give seed to the sower
    and bread to the eater
so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth
    it shall not return to me void
but shall accomplish what I please
and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it...
                         Isaiah 55:10

slept in this saturday am
while making cappuchino
tried to dirscern whether the white stuff I was seeing
on this wet morning was drops of plopping rain
falling from overhead electrical and roof lines
or actually the real thing
before I even got to my prayer chair
there was no question
our first snow
flurrying and falling from the November sky
{echo} surprise
first it's the red cups
so subtly introduced at the drive thru
and now flurries
tomorrow the clocks change and we 'fall back'....
soon winter and all it's glory
and all it's bustle
will truly be upon us...
and Monday brings the date we've all
been looking forward to for months
the far away family comes home...

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