Wednesday, January 19, 2011

the man hole cover between our neighbors' driveway and our sidewalk garden

0981 a little beach in my very own front yard
He alone spreads out the heavens,
and treads on the waves of the sea
                              Job 9:8

the last shot as I'm about to walk in the front door
after a walk up the street
with the far-away-now-ever-so-close-family

the snow has pretty muched melted away everywhere
except this little shadowy place

the textures and colours caught my eye

yet when I saw it here on the 'big screen'
I thought 'how'd this beach picture get mixed in here!?!?!'

a little beach in my very own front yard...

yesterday sunny with thoughts of the beach
in the middle of our Jaunary winter
today dark and grey  and wet
with a 'wintery mix'

a good day to be sleeping in
and the parents did just that...

and pop and I watched the morning baby
from so far away
to oh so close...
no small thing
not to be taken lightly


S. Etole said...

what a cute little bear behind him ...

Kelly Sauer said...

Wow - the image is... stunning.