Thursday, February 17, 2011

right now
for this little while
it just seems like
even here
in my favorite corner
of the sofa

the tears
to be cried

are stifeled

need they be cried?

everything is alright
it's not that bad
it'll be alright

but then it happens
and the tightness comes
the sadness

where is my hope

it's here
deep within
Chist in you...
the hope of glory
            Colossians 1:27

there's a sunny world outside our door
spring is about to shine
and yet
my heart hurts

why are you cast down, Oh my soul?
and why are you disqueited within me?
hope in God
for I shall yet praise Him
the help of my countenance and my God
           Psalm 43:5

1 comment:

bernie said...

Oh, my dear, dear Ali....