Tuesday, May 3, 2011

my hubby makes me breakfast

his first words to me this morning
were words he has never said to me before...
"thanks for making me holy"

just a coincidence
that the words that echoed around in my head
last night as I was driving
listening to the day's news on the radio
[before I had to turn it off]
were the words I hear so often in my head...
"I just want to be holy..."

once again they washed over me 
and caused tears to sear behind my eyes

the end of another day

so many days go by
am I any closer to where/to who
I am to be
than I was yesterday?

is this... what I do
who I am
really pleasing the Lord?

I will never be beatified...
I will never be pope, Mother Theresa, St. Francis...
I am me
humbly me

or is it prideful me?
is it pride that causes me to want
to be
to do

where has that blessed contentment I had for so long gone?

and then without my ever having said a word to him....
about my inner longer, wondering...yearning...
my husband whispers in my ear
first thing in the morning

"thank you for making me holy"

wasn't that my most earnest prayer for so long?
      "Wives be submissive to your own husbands, 
       that even if some do not obey the word, 
       they, without a word, 
       may be won by the conduct of their wives,
       when they observe your chaste conduct 
       accompanied by fear.
       Do not let your adornment be merely outward
         -arranging the hair, wearing gold, 
                or putting on fine apparel-
       rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, 
       with the incorruptible beauty 
               of a gentle and quiet spirit, 
       which is very precious in the sight of God."
           1 Peter 3:1-4

     "for how do you know, O wife,
             whether you will save your husband?
      Or how do you know, O husband,
             whether you will save your wife?"
               1 Corinthians 7:16

isn't that my vocation in life
I am
a married woman

praying my husband
our children
and their spouses...those known
and those yet unknown...
into eternity?!??!

that first fervent prayer has been so answered...
thank you, Lord

maybe those first words of this day
were prophecy for me...
God's word...another answer to prayer

      "may the Lord make you to increase and abound
       in love
       to one another and to all
       so that He may establish your hearts blameless
       in holiness before our God and Father
       at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
       .....with all His saints." {him...and you....and me}
             1 Thessalonians 3:12


Kelly said...

beautiful. a struggle for many, i assume. or at least me! i have days when i'm on diaper change #14 or so and i think...isn't there something more i should be doing. but vocation is different for all of us and that is what this is....

allison, i love reading your thoughts! never knew that my mama's friend was so wise and thoughtful!

S. Etole said...

what a perfect gift ...

Mike Igne said...

Happy for you. Thanks for sharing and inspiring hope!