Wednesday, October 23, 2013

house blessing


there are 9 days until November
I know
because every time I open gmail
I get a huge countdown warning
google has been telling me for more than a year
that igoogle will be shutting down November 2013
I remember because I dreaded last November
not knowing what would come
November came and went and I finally realized
oh nothing has happened
the small print warning is still flashing across my screen
oh it's next year...
and now a whole year has passed
it's 9 days now until November
then it's December
then it's next year
another year...gone by
another year...almost over

I pulled my slippers from the the back of the closet
how wonderful to plunge my feet into their wonderful softness again
how awful that the floors are cold
that my feet are cold
that it is cold

I went around pulling down the storm windows

it rained
it never got sunny
I never warmed up
I so wanted to break my Starbucks fast
I've been so good resisting
their we miss you pleas
their coupon temptations
I just wanted that sweet dark hot in this cold wet day

while enjoying a much needed day at home
exceedingly abundant beyond expectation
sweet blessing
enters in
to where I am
vacuuming in my slippers

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