Monday, December 16, 2013

"As a mother comforts her child
  so I will comfort you"
                     Isaiah  66:13

...but I left childhood long ago
and so now I must face fear alone...

"Padre Pio's assurance:
that "if we were left to ourselves
we should always be falling and never remain on our feet.
Humble yourself, then, at the delightful thought
that you are in the divine arms of Jesus,
the best of fathers,
like a little infant in its mother's arms
and sleep peacefully with the certainty that
you are being guided for the destination
which will be to your greatest advantage.
How can we be afraid to remain in such loving arms
when our entire being is consecrated to God?"

"To be afraid of being lost
while you are in the arms of divine goodness
is stranger than the fear on the part of a child
being embraced

in its mother's arms."

"So do not become too uneasy in the hour of trial
but try to bear everything with love.
Jesus will be favorable towards you
and will grant you the grace to lead a totally heavenly life,
and nothing will be able to separate you from His love."

"Live tranquilly because Jesus is with you always
and you rest sweetly on His heart
like a child in the arms of its mother"

Heavenly Father hold me in your arms
and assure me in your embrace that all will be well

         Padre Pio 
         letter to Annita Rodote August 16, 1918

1 comment:

Relyn Lawson said...

Hello, friend. I wanted to stop by and thank you for being a part of my blog in 2013. You have been a blessing to me. For the coming year, I have a few wishes for you.

May 2014 bring you much joy.
May we all have peace in our homes,
laughter by our firesides,
time spent with family,
and contentment in our hearts.
Be well, my friend.