Wednesday, January 29, 2014


this little one had a very fitful sleep

white breath on darkened window
(that has twice this winter cancelled university classes)
flake by flake

for the silent stillness 
perhaps it is what allowed God to hear 
my quiet desperate prayer

for at some point
morning broke

the doritos, the birthday cake the danny's italian hoagie and chinatown inn egg roll
no longer ravaged my body

and I heard
the voice of an Other
speaking a bit of truth somehow into my spirit

"I made you
  I know everything in you


the gush of love
that just about pulls you
to your knees
as you look at your 
beautiful grown children
gathered and waiting
around the dinner table
just as sensually seductive as they were when little 
brown from sun and play
their hair 
their eyes 
their skin 
their smiles
and who they are within
you want to wrap your arms around them tightly
touch them gently 
hold them sweetly
swoop them up
and eat them 
you love them so much more than so.....

and these they 'just' came through you
you had no idea how to 'create' them...
they grew
as I intended
for they are My making
they are Mine

and you...are too"

I am known by God, created?!?!?

perhaps in the exact same way
I thrill Him
delight HIm
He looks on me and I melt His heart.....
with beauty and with love

my Lord, my God
You made me
fearfully and wonderfully
You formed me
Your eyes saw me
and You knew me 
before any of my days
You know when I sit
when I stand
when I am fitful upon my bed

You are familiar with my thoughts
and every word
and upon me is Your hand
I cannot escape You by night
or escape You by fleeing 
to my favorite 
day dream 
night dream 
life long dream
....the sea

and thirty years ago when I married
those words of David where sung 
and even yet
I still remember them and they sing inside my head

on our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary
You walked me 
with the husband You have given
close beside me all the way
to a place where my eyes rested upon this wonder of world and man

I had no preconceptions about seeing yet another statue in Italy
I had not done my 'homework' 
studying up on all the art we were to see

I was a typical tourist...

moving in our little group
listening thru our little headsets 
to the drone of our tour guide providing information
about all the statues we were passing 
as we made our way 
to the final destination 
at the end of the long marble corridor of the Accademia delle Belle Arti

in an instant I see it
a 17 foot tall marble statue
chiseled from a leftover block of 'scrap' marble abandoned by another artist decades earlier

I am transported

at some point I become conscious
that I am no longer standing with my group
I realize I no longer know where my husband is
I had broken line
left all parameters of normal decorum
I am overcome
I am mesmerized
I am weeping before hundreds
feeling very small and insignificant
and old
barely standing before something 
that has stood the test of time for over 500 years
created by someone 
when they were a mere 25 years of age

I was fifty
celebrating twenty five years of marriage 
and my entire life fell invisible around me 
at David's feet 

I have created nothing that will survive one year after I am gone
I haven't accomplished anything to be spoken of a decade later
let alone centuries

I am daughter, wife, mother 
like miriads for millenniums before me

I felt alone 
and lonely
and yet
like I alone
and only I knew
and the God they served

the God David credited with the battle as being His

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