Sunday, March 9, 2014

"Do not hesitate to love
and to love deeply

You might be afraid of the pain that deep love can cause

The more you have loved and allowed yourself to suffer because of your love
the more you will be able to let your heart grow wider and deeper

When your heart is truly giving and receiving
those whom you love will not depart from your heart
even when they depart from you"
                  Henri Nouwen

so the good-bye thing
you would think as many times as I've done it
it would be easy
just a part of what is done
but it's not
each time is hard

you would think I would have learned
to just hold loosely
but I can't
I cling
if not in with my arms
with my heart

you would think that working with hospice
and helping others say the final good-bye
I would know how to say it
to the daily as it fades away

but I only know enough to know that each good-bye
is a little death
a change
every day ends, every conversation finishes,  every action is completed
each pause, each breath, each heart beat the last
then again
the first

the sun may rise tomorrow
and the stars return from the night before
but in a different place
reflecting and shining like never before
and as never again

and that is good
as it should be
or it wouldn't be

but for me it is hard

you would think I would know
as often as I say it...
that my life is not my own
that it is a gift

the length of my days is in my Maker and Creator's hands
the author and finisher of my faith
my faith... which is gift

my mind that holds belief in Him who is able to do
what is exceedingly abundantly above and beyond
anything I could ever even imagine or think

my very own breath is gift
my heart that beats and loves and hurts and holds

the very safety I exist and dwell in

and even the little beings that I thought were mine
my children
that actually came forth from my very own body
yet even they are not my own
with that last push and that first breath
they leave me
I held them close
nursed and nurtured
and then they're off
to their first day of school
their first date
their own...first born child...

daily mass
every day
the turn of the back to us
as Jesus returns to that golden box
put away
this morning
after adoration
the glass of the monstrance reflected back
the church
the light streaming through the stained glass
the pews and me in them

He will never leave nor forsake me
                  Deuteronomy 31:6

Be content
with such things as you have
for He says "I will never leave, nor forsake you"
                 Hebrew 13:5

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