still winter
yet it's like that last month of pregnancy
you're due this month
and they tell you it could be anytime now
and you begin to believe them
and so it becomes the longest month....ever
we are only half way thru winter
and the ground hog even said
I am so anxious and ready and believing in SpRinG
that when the sun shines I rejoice
ahh sun
and yet it's cold
it snows
it IS winter
but the sun does shine in
I even tried to photograph "sun stars" the other day
they turned out just looking dusty and blurry
when in real life I see them so shiny...dancing
oh well
(just like my blurry moon shadow attempts, when in reality the moon shadows are so crisp and bright?!?)
and the pussy willow is getting fuzzy out there
as well as those cute fuzzy cows!
It's Wednesday...afternoon now
and I had such plans for the day
no running around
my first day home in days
but I had a long phone call with my sister in law who just lost a friend to cancer
so all my aspirations of the day...the year...
the scrapping of the living room chimney and re-painting
and the re-writing of the address book
and the wiping of the floors
and the re-designing my blog for its' anniversary
and the cleaning of the basement
and organizing of my studio
and all the other wordly things I long to spend my days doing
fall to the wayside
where they belong
to be present
to someone I love
My daughter who is all of 23 years old
said to me Monday
[when I was at her apartment
helping her clean]
{really I was "nesting" for my son and daughter in law who are expecting
they live in germany...
so my daughter benefitted!?!?}
she said "I've been needing the time to clean for so long now
but haven't
and I wondered the other night what if I died and someone had to come in and clean my apartment?!?
what would they think?"
there are so many things to take away from that...
simple statement
basically it says...
that she is my daughter?!?
I said
"I've been thinking the same thing about our house?"
We think alike
We are not morbid
just practical
Wondering about the things around us...
that are important
of value
Would anyone else see the value in what we do or don't do...
just a question...
maybe reflective as Lent approaches
having our lives in ORDER
my time with 'Wally'
was really good
he was very alert and we/he talked
I always feel bad that he talks so much
it exhausts him
but I'm there to listen
and I do
and a trip to barnes & noble for the two new somerset publications....ahh
a ministry meeting
and the day is gone
dry cleaning
and then every other thing I long to get done
on this punch list of life
and it snows
it is winter
and I will continue to make my lists
and live these days
embracing and being grateful for every moment
as they come
especially the phone calls...the one with my sister in law
and then later in the day
the other sister in law!
and my sister!
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