In our family
today would traditionally be known as "birthday eve"
If you consider a blog to have a birthday!?!?
which I actually have observed does occur
over my last year in blog-o-world
It's actually just the anniversary of 'all that i am'
for a few weeks last year I had a blog on wordpress
which I would love to be able to transpose over here to blogspot
but so far I have had no luck trying to accomplish that!
But it's been a year
of on line journaling
never did I ever imagine I would be a blogger?!?
At times I can't believe I've stuck with it
I've been frustrated by my 'equipment'
it's so slow....complex...
then I think of what it is actually doing
allowing me to link my photos and my words in one public place
it is truly amazing
At times I have been frustrated with myself
too shy
too many words
I bore myself sometimes
no wonder no one else is interested
and then I realize I love this
I have always kept journals
since I was 10
and I love being able to manipulate my journal world
and the world I see all around me
in one place
and I have never journaled for anyone else
so I can't let that become the motivation now
just do
what I do
That has been difficult tho
because this forum is so public
it becomes about
who has the most followers, comments
whose is the prettiest, most popular
So I just kept telling myself
do it for a year
and now the year
the milestone
is here
I heard one of the sportscasters on ESPN of all places
use that term 'milepebbles'
last night as my hubby and I sat down to watch college b-ball
It resonated with me
this isn't as big as a milestone
it's definitely just a collection of 'milepebbles'
One year
at one year
our first child was not walking yet
at one year our second child was...
at one year our first child was not really talking yet
and I do believe our second child was born talking
We are all gifted differently
I may have only 14 followers
and I know some of those are just propoganda people...
but I am going to plow on
doing what I do
becoming who I am meant to be
in this blogging shere
as well as in my real world
I remember as clearly as if it were yesterday
how our first born child
used to cry
the eve of his birthday
he liked being two, three, four
why did he have to become something new
three, four and five
it was sweet
it was heartfelt and so sad
we assured him
he did not have to change and become whatever he thought he was expected to tomorrow be...
he would grow and change slowly
he would never even notice...
and in two weeks he somehow will 'suddenly' turn 25...
living in a foreign land
being a married man
becoming a father
"we do not remember days...
we remember moments"
and today, birthday eve, and tomorrow the anniversary of one year of a blog
I will celebrate
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