Friday, June 4, 2010

for all the many blessings you pour out so richly into our lives

God our Father
teach us to cherish the gifts that surround us.
Increase our faith in You
and bring our trust to its promised fulfillment
in the joy of your kingdom.
                       daily prayer for June 4

everyday as if another mile apart
everyday a little more home

our own bed


coffee with the friends I missed so dearly...DSC_0314

a steak dinner just the two of us

today I need to 'shop'
for a bridal shower tomorrow
tonight the girls do "Oz"
Sunday a visit to Deep Creek

It's not that I miss the kids
and the baby
so much

It's fine
and natural
and normal
not to see the kids or
family regularly...

It's that I know we will be missing everything....
from here on in

seeing them walk
hearing them talk
seeing his eyes
and that little coo mouth
seeing him smile

sometimes I wonder...
if I never would have gone
the missing be less
can you miss something you've never known

but then I reaize thru my tears
how grateful I am

to have smelled his sweet little head
and the lovely lavender of the 'sleeping room'

to have held him
to have looked into those eyes
to have heard his squeeks and grunts
and even his very first cry....

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