Saturday, June 5, 2010

beginning to see...again

shells from this past winter's 'valentine in the snow'...
38:327 2/7 superbowl, shells and snow
yesterday began with "seeing" the shells
that have been there since winter...
and feeling
another longing

other than the only one I've known lately

'no beach again this summer...'

it's good to have an old familiar longing again!

then I sweat in my wonderful little piece of sidewalk garden
a crazy little by-product of weeding...
a volunteer snap dragon!

then off to the 'burgh to reconnect with the family!
and the girls' show...
four months 'old' to the day...
4 months!

but the most amazing thing of yesterday
what I 'saw' most was

what I still need to learn from "the birds"
leaving the nest
our youngest came in and told us
to watch the birds today
DSC_0338because while he was outside eating breakfast
the FOUR little birds he's been watching all spring
seemed to be rather active and feathery!

he thought they might try to fly today!

THIS as I continue to wrap my arms around the reality that our oldest 'child'
and his wife
and their firstborn child
our grandson...
'live' so far away

and that our youngest soon will be studying abroad for the fall semester...

I thought I was so good with the whole empty nest thing....
leaving the nest
just us
two for dinner
no schedules to keep
he too will leave
but I think I still have a ways to go....

for they still have a ways to go
and who knows where my heart will go
as it follows them as they roam...
Bim and Mel...'running' back to Cleveland

but on this pouring down rain Saturday

[as far away
Dom competes to be "a big rock star"]

I sit contentedly on my front porch swing
connected to my little home
which houses my wonderfully sweet little life
and gradually over the next 30 years!!!
become "girl mr douglas"

today's readings
.....she has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood....
                         Mark 12:44
juxtaposed with Paul
....I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.
From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me,
which the Lord, the just judge, will award to me on that day,
and not only to me,
but to all
who have longed for His appearance.
                          2 Timothy 4:8
my first and favorite old familiar longing................

1 comment:

Farmgirl Paints said...

Love your thoughts. Great scripture verse:)