Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday's with Wally

I've had such sentimental longings lately

This morning there's thunder rolling
and rain coming

and our son calls from Ohio
saying "frabjous day...Callooh, Callay"

and maybe
finally it'll start to press into me
cover me
saturate me

remind me
of what I so often become numb to

"there is beauty in the world"
         Macy Gray's new release this morning
soft and sweet
I could have spent my life over these past months in Wally's place
It's been since Easter that I last saw him
since April
in bed

or like the people Natalie is going to spend time with in Uganda
in mud huts

Life is all around me
in their homes
in their lives
in their cars

they live here
not at the beach
or in Italy at an agriturismo

they live
and die

why do I think I would have something so extraordinarily different?
first day of summer blues
I need to wipe the tears away
wipe the outlandish dreams away
and live
and love

the little ones within my reach
and my very own pink lilies
and replant my birthday foxgloves
and wipe my beautiful hardwood floors
and listen to the thunder and smell the rain
Oh my soul,
why are you downcast
and why are you disquieted within me?
in God
For I shall yet praise Him
the help of my countenance    
my God
       Psalm 42:5, 11, 43:5

Three times in those two short psalms
am I reminded to hope...
and praise...
to look to God to improve the look of my life
and my face!!!

get a life
the life I have been given...

        [42 is the.....
       "As the deer thirsts for the water...
        so my soul cryth out for thee

         You alone are my heart's desire
         and I long to worship thee

          You alone are the strength I need
          to you alone my spirit yield"]

to You...
my heart's desire

"For where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also..."
                       Matthew 6:21
my pure heart
"Blessed are the pure in heart
for they shall see God"
                       Matthew 5:8

one thing I ask of the Lord
this will I seek
to dwell in the house of the Lord...forever
to behold the beauty of the Lord
                      Psalm 27:4

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