" The largest part of Jesus' life was hidden
Jesus lived with his parents in Nazareth
"under their authority"
and there "increase in wisdom, stature
and in favour with God and with people"
Luke 2:51-52
When we think about Jesus
we mostly think about His words and miracles,
His passion, death, and resurrection
but we should never forget that before all of that
Jesus lived a simple
hidden life
in a small town
far away from all the great people
great cities and great events
Jesus' hidden life is very important for our own spiritual journey
If we want to follow Jesus by words and deeds
in the service of His Kingdom
we must first of all strive
to follow Jesus in his simple
and very ordinary
hidden life
Henri J.M. Nouwen
August 12 Bread for the Journey
we must strive to follow Him
in our simple
very ordinary
hidden life
a life of simple blessings
and simple doings
so easily often taken for granted
an afternoon of hanging out together
and "shopping shopping shopping"
things we 'need'
as we move into a new season
shirts and ties
a birthday gift
household things!
sipping coffes under the escalators
uneventful flights
safe departures and a safe return
our own beds to sleep in
even though there seems to be no air
and the fear of another restless night
settles around me along with the humidity
but despite the dreadful breathlessness
the cool of the night comes
and a long sleep follows
and the air remains
enough air
to even inspire a morning of pulling weeds
in my own little patch of dirt
where my own little ideas are generating
for new plantings for fall!
these hazy crazy lazy days
full of simple pleasures
like the juiciest of deep dark plums....
as we begin to wind down to the last days of summer...
and what is that?
oh my there's even a breeze!
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