Wednesday, September 22, 2010

a long long time ago, yet I can still rememeber

out of the box_0597
I get so discouraged
why do I keep up with this blog
who cares?
what do I have to say?
do I ever have anything worthwhile to say?
and when I do think I do
there's no response
nothing comes back...
yet I keep saying...
I can't keep from saying...
it's what I do

and it has to be relevant too
some people save up ideas...create topics....
do a photo as illustration
mine are interwoven
photos are taken as I see them
words seem to follow
always meshing perfectly
[at least in my mind's eye]

my photographs and my words have to relate to my life
my day
my thoughts
my prayers
daily reflections
the daily word

and I am never let down
and so that is why I continue to write and share out loud

I've tried keeping parts private
but somehow I feel if i'm going to do this
it must be done out loud

and so

I've been cleaning
[our grandson and his family are coming for the holidays!]

so cleaning
deep cleaning
or at least the attempt
getting everything out
of rooms
of closets

my husband came home one day and asked
"what are you doing"
I proudly said "I'm cleaning"
he just walked by and said
"it looks to me like you're messing"

I have enlisted his help for some heavier moving
and some work with his circular saw!


my mother moved last year from her huge home in Alabama
to a small effeciancy apartment near here
she gave me a few things to 'hold onto'
I guess just for safe keeping until someday she has more room
or they can go to their rightful owners?!?!

one precious box resurfaced in all my cleaning
my baby sister's baptismal gown...

my mother made it
oh so long ago

I remember

and I love how it has aged

and then this mornings reading
    Henri J.M. Nouwen
When God took on flesh in Jesus Christ,
the uncreated and the created,
the eternal and the temporal,
the divine and the human,
became united.
This unity meant that all that is mortal now points to the immortal,
all that is finite now points to the infinite.
In and through Jesus all creation has become like a SPLENDID VEIL,
through which the face of God is revealed to us.

This is called the sacramental quality of the created order.
All that is is sacred
because all that is speaks of God's redeeming love.
Seas and winds,
mountains and trees, sun, moon, stars, and all the animals
and people have become sacred windows
offering us glimpses of God.


Thoughts for the day said...

oh the baptismal gown... wouldn't it be grand if you could find a picture that matched the gown and put it in a 3d frame? It is sentimental and awesome. I have my weddig dress hand made by my grandmother. What shall I do with it? almost 37 years later it rests inside a cardboard box wrapped in tissue paper it has not browned or aged other than normal 'years in storage.' By nature I am a sentimental messy, our house is full of 'keepsakes' and slowly they are going to be 'given away' in my semi retirement stage of life. I vote for framing the christening gown.

S. Etole said...

so much beauty in your words and the photo ... my heart hears

Mike Igne said... appropo. Your writings always bring me back, to feel, to love. To want to share again.

Anonymous said...

i would miss your blog a lot ... and i always have a look and answer to what you write and feel....yet i do it quietly, i still do*v*

bernie said...

Tell your husband that "messing" is not APART FROM but is A PART OF "cleaning." Chaos precedes order. "In the beginning...the earth was waste and void" (Gen. 1:1-2) The footnote in my Bible defines "waste and void" as "a chaotic mass." Six creation-filled 'days' later "God saw that all he had made was very good." (Gen.1:31) Cleaning is a creative act. You go, girl!