Thursday, September 23, 2010


autumn has only just begun to blush
and yet I feel deperate to grasp it
before it is fleetingly gone

oh the beauty
oh how transitory

just last week everything was just as it's been all summer
and now
it's suddenly fall
berries hang from every tree and bush
and red apples are high in the trees

I want to just take a leisurely walk and photograph them
but time seems so short

I fear it will all come and go too quickly
fall into winter
and I will miss the autumn
won't capture and keep these wonderful feelings
these new tactile sensations
of vision
of sound

it makes me desperate...

and then the readings this morning
so go along with these fleeting feelings

from Ecclesiastes 1:2-11
vanity of vanities

what profit has man from all the labor
which he toils at under the sun?

one generation passes and another comes
but the world forever stays

the sun rises
and the sun goes down
the wind turns again and again resuming its rounds

all rivers rush to the sea
yet never does the sea become full

...all speech is labored
there is nothing one can say

the eye is not satistifed with seeing
the ear satisfied with hearing

what has been, that will be
what has been done, that will be done

nothing is new under the sun

and Psalm 90

like the changing grass
which at dawn springs up anew
but by evening wilts and fades

teach us to number our days aright
that we may gain wisdom of heart

fill us at daybreak with your kindness
that we may shout for joy and gladness all our days

and prosper the work of our hands
prosper the work of our hands!

it does all come and go far too swiftly
and yet at the same time it does just keep on coming...
year after year
same old same old

and yet it is new
every day
I feel it

this day is different than any other

on my front porch swing this morning
I was joined by a little late night visitor

my nephew and his wife and baby
spent the night with us
due to a power outage in their neighborhood
they arrived after we had already gone off to bed
so we didn't see them until this morning

to be with a baby in my favorite place
on my front porch swing...
on a Thursday!
what a wonderful way to start the day
....a baby in jammies in your arms

and then a skype from t-bird
and a note from Do that his wisdom teeth came out just fine...
and he was home...and numb!
then bim called!

all before heading off to work?!?!

and then what a lovely surprise to come home after work
and to see they had hung out all day while I was gone
and decided to stay and join all of us for dinner
[our daughter and her b.f. came down!]

and when I got home
we became...a napping house
...what a great thing in the middle of the day!
I feel like I haven't had a nap in ions!
DSC_0628my hair clip next to me while I napped!
then...a delicious late/after hubby's class dinner with family and 'friend'
...and a baby in jammies again!

someday very soon
we will have our very own baby-in-residence!?!?
and I look forward to many more lovely days

but until those days of winter are upon us
I will try to savour these wonderful autumn days

and every new thing each day may bring

1 comment:

S. Etole said...

the peace and delicacy in your photos are wonderful ...