Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I cracked...

I met my hubby for mass yesterday afternoon
and had to confess to him in the parking lot
even before we got in the car
"I cracked"
he was all concerned...
did you break your fast
(there's only 3 more days...surely you could have done it!)
what did you do?
eat chocolate, drank some wine?!?!?
I turned on the heat!

the leaves haven't even changed yet?!?!
the burning bush isn't even red across the street yet...
we haven't even taken our first walk in the woods
or a drive thru the mountains...

he's been asking for weeks now
"should we turn on the heat?"
"it's still only early october!"
but it has been so rainy
day after day

(with the exception of the sun last Friday and Saturday)
much to my own chagrin
I have succoumbed to the reality of the weather
fall is upon us

the heat is on...

{in no time at all the far away family will be coming!}
{then the holidays...}
{then the new year...}
{then the baby will be a year old...}

oh my oh my time is just rushing on

Thank You, Lord for Your presence in or swiftly moving lives
for causing each passing moment
to be sacred

Thank You for each raindrop
and for the sound of every car going by on the wet street
for the warmth of chili and cornbread on our table
and flannel and feathers on our bed

Thank You for the anticipation of the day
of the season
of the year

Order our days
Keep and protect us
until Your will is accomplished in the life You have given us
that You, Oh Lord may be glorified
and always lead and draw us all
ever closer into Your eternal presence
   amen, ali

I have added this post to Jenny Matlock's
my first submission to her 'C'ollaboration!?!?
the letter 'c'
Jenny Matlock


S. Etole said...

there's an element to your photos that just invites peace ...

we went almost directly from A/C to heat here ... but it's a beautiful time of year

bernie said...

I "cracked", too - earlier this week.

Jingle said...

sweet and fun take on c.
lovely story.

here is mine;

Jo said...

still no need to crack here ... today was a tshirt, capris and flipflops day ...

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Beautiful post -- both your photos and your prose made me feel gratitude and peace.

We have been fortunate as it has still been warm enough here not to need the heat, but I did put a quilt on my bed for the night!

Judie said...

You cracked?? Sorry, but what exactly is the sin here? Cold is cold and hot is hot. Please read A.A. Milne's poetry for children, and then GET OVER IT!

Annesphamily said...

This is a nice peaceful post today. I am so glad I stopped by. The writing ability over here in blog land is creative and clever, cute and curious. Thanks Come join me soon. Anne

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

The beginning part of this post was 'c'harming and the prayer was peaceful and 'c'aptured so much of what I'm thankful for.

There's a drawing on my Wed post you might enjoy.

Gabe said...

The prayer you ended with is so appropriate for this time of year, it seems when the seasons really change I sense the swiftness of time!

Thanks for sharing

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

That's hysterical!

I am struggling with the very same problem at my house. I have radiant heat and it takes 5 or 6 hours to heat my house up, so I don't turn the heat on until I'm ready for it to be on for the whole winter.

Makes for some pretty frosty mornings getting ready for work at 6:00 AM!!!


Susan Anderson said...

What a beautiful post. And I loved the prayer-like quality at the end.


Anonymous said...

We just turned on the heat and took out the flannel sheets. I loved your prayer.

Jackie said...

Isn't that something. I was not going to turn the heat on either but the weather here in Calgary has been real nice so I turned it off again . I prefer it to be a little chill anyway . I like your post . It was nice to read , thanks for participation in alphabe thursday .

Tracy said...

This was a very pleasant post loved it thank you

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

u r super sweet.

mub said...

I keep reaching for the radiator knob and stopping myself! We have been having hot/cold/hot/cold the past few days so I haven't cracked yet... but I imagine it will be soon!

Tamara Jansen said...

Yup, my heat is on too. Fall is here .

Jenny said...

Welcome to Alphabe-Thursday.

And aren't we all lucky you found this meme.

What a peaceful and lovely blog you have here. And a lovely post constructed so carefully with clever words and imagery.

I really enjoyed my stop here.

Our 'cracked' in AZ is opposite. It is when we finally, finally turn the AC on. And now we are turning it off for the fall and winter.

Thank you again for linking.
