Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I awaken after a fitful sleep
another day
the sun and the birds flit in the tree's new baby leaves
my first vision of the day
but that damn tree
rubs up against the paint of our house
fills our gutters with its debris
spring and fall...
I'm aware of the rumble of the street noises next
things are not as they should be
not as I would want them
will making another list
crossing things off the list
and then recycling the list
really add to my feeling of accomplishment
what has happened to my
"let everything that has breath praise the Lord"

I have been given another day
I breathe
I see
I hear
I move
roll over
and touch
my husband warm in our bed... next to me

I resolve
     I pray
in this day
     this gift I have been give
I will know the Lord
and know his delight...
and in a moment of sunlight
I see His glory
in the dark and light upon the dogwood
beautiful delicate pink petals
push through a cold grey winter
and we His creatures just drive... walk...by
never stopping to see the miracle of the day
to count but one blessing
let alone the gazillion that fall around us
fresh from His hand

1 comment:

S. Etole said...

your photos are enchanting as always ...

so good to have you back!