Friday, May 20, 2011

experienced a great yet simple pleasure
last night as I lay in bed

...closing my eyes...

every evening I crawl in
and love my new soft fluffy pillow

as opposed to that stiff healthy one
I suffered with so long....

I pull the linens up under my chin
and feel the wonderfulness of being horizontal
of having just the right weight over me
just the right support under me

in bed
our bed

I am full of gratitude for such a place
and always remember a little family
that we once knew
whose beds were not so comfy

and as we do every evening
the events of the day
and of the days to come
run through my mind

and  I try to remember to cast them all upon the Lord
for He cares
for me

but first usually there is quite a bit of rumination

I'm staring at the chipping paint on the ceiling
and watching the movements of the damn tree

and then
I close my eyes

a prayer
and a blessing

for in the moment of closing my eyes
in that gentle act
I'm aware of what simplicity is

the dry tired eyes of a moment ago
are soothed
the ruminating thoughts are soothed

and all that's left is the place for
prayers to come more easily

the ceilings need to be scraped and painted has gone

and even though the tree still brushes against the eaves
...even there
I know there is a God...
because soon and very soon
we have been told
the tree is coming down!!!!

to sleep perchance to dream
will be another story

but just...close your eyes...
and count your blessings

1 comment:

S. Etole said...

that is very sound advice ...