Friday, May 20, 2011

I always thought being a cat would be a fine life
sleeping in the sun
rubbing up against someone's leg
when you needed a little attention
not necessarily even your "master's" leg
catching a little mouse when feeling hungry
or to give as a gift when feeling generous
so I'm driving this morning
and I see a little kitty sitting felionly regal upon a rock
in the little bit of sun we had today

by the time I get myself turned around and stopped
she's ready to prowl...
but she seemed particularly regal when seen
in the full context of her environment
you would never have known
by looking at her prim and proper pose
as she sat  in the sun on a rock along the side of the road
as if in the middle of a pastoral field
that she was only feet from oncoming traffic
and  overlooking major interstate construction
as a child
I used to have a recurring nightmare
I would be sitting on a little chair
in a pretty little party dress
and patent leather shoes
on a huge mountain of gravel or coal or cinder rock
and all around the mountain where I sat
enormous construction vehicles moved dirt and rocks about

my dream used to terrify me
but maybe I need to see it more like I see this little kitty

she's just calm cool and collected
doing what cats do best
peaceful even amid the noise and the haste
                         Max Ehrmann

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