Saturday, August 13, 2011

a little one...for the weekend

todys readings...
"Let the little children come to me..."
             Matthew 19:14
"as for me and my house
we will serve the Lord"
              Joshua 24:15
dancing, swirling, jumping, twirling
stayed awake the whole ride home
leftover general tso chicken for a bedtime snack
'toast' requested for breakfast
good thing
cause it's one of the only things we have in the house!
after our lattes and a little Saturday morning tv
then a little wedding work
some shopping for her
'with a limit'
and for groceries!
cracker barrel potato dumplings for lunch
a movie
the smurfs or rio? perhaps
then chinese for dinner
another movie
Lightning Thief
with a rice krispy treat treat
before bed
then church
and a triple birthday party...

1 comment:

S. Etole said...

what a serene collage ... the little girl in the white dress standing in the water is perfection!