Monday, November 4, 2013


a long day
made an hour longer
walking through the setting light
a soft mist
in a cool forest

with nothing

no acorns
not a rock
not a leaf
not a photo

not better


'this is not for me...'

it is

and the self in me tries
to be still
and know

to wait

to listen

to but love

but unlike the little who so little
knows the words to say
'I'm scared'
and knows the place to turn to say them

I'm spinning

and still
till now
just learning
where to turn

away from me
towards Him
and how to say

it's not about me
     but I'm scared
how can you not care
    that I hurt

another's pain
another's fear

how easily
I forget

it's not about me

"though I am small

 my God, my all
 You work great things in me
 and Your mercy will last
 from the depths of the past
 to the end of the age to be"

"My heart shall sing 

 of the day You bring
 let the fires of Your justice burn
 wash away all tears
 for the dawn draws near and the world is about to turn"

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