Sunday, November 3, 2013

day's end began
with a rainbow

then dinner with a daughter

a birthday kiss
a bar mitva, a cotillion
and halloween goodies generously shared

pumpkin cake and tea
around the table
and movies, and surgeries, and the silliness of 80 year old stories
'one shoe off and one shoe on'

wood floors cleaned like mom would
hot pot
and flowers

and safely home at midnight
knowing there's an extra hour at dawn
moments not wasted on me
the familiar window the ordinary rooflines
the intensity
the color
gone forever
as the moment moves onto coffee

elbows on the counter
staring out the window
the massive tree dark in shadow

precious leaves begin to glisten
reflecting light
each one

in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye...and we shall be changed
         1 Corinthians 15:52
I cannot capture it through the lens
I cannot share it with words
I barely see it with my eyes

but someday I will dwell in His wonderful marvelous light

His own,
proclaiming the praises of Him 
who called me out of darkness 
into His marvelous light
       1 Peter 2:9

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