Thursday, February 27, 2014

Vincent van Gogh ~ Branch of an Almond Tree in Blossom ~ 1890

painted while in the asylum in Saint-Remy-de-Provence, France
in the spring
before the summer
that van Gogh died...
[Tuesday, July 29, at the age of 37]

he painted for only ten years, only sold one painting while living
but produced over 900 canvases

his favorite colour was yellow
...sunflowers...stars (also painted while in Saint-Remy)
it is my least favorite colour
but I have loved this painting since I first saw it
and I love his story
the torment of his life
and the beauty his life produced

yesterday I shopped for a new journal
to actually journal...'write' like I used to...with my hand
I saw one journal with this image wrapped around it
on the bottomest shelf all alone
it is now mine
my first van Gogh...
such a departure from my black moleskins......

but it is almost spring...
time for blue and blossoms
for leaving the confines of craziness and living in the serenity and beauty of creation

I hope summer goes better for me than it did for vincent......

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