Friday, March 14, 2014


my first 
evening to cuddle
two hours like ten minutes
4 days young
4 little pounds
a little fist wrapped around my little pinky
tucked up closely beneath his little chin
his little lip sucked in, his little nose
and every time a tremor comes
he clinches and clutches even closer
his perfect little fingers holding mine
and someday
he will fight with that fist
a different fight than he fights tonight
he will fight in the class room, cafeteria, the street
with this same strength he has had from his birth
the will to survive
against all odds he will live
but his strength will become anger
fighting at home with the mother who brought him to life
who gave him a name already attached
'born addicted'
she couldn't
she didn't
love him
while he grew within her
very own womb
how can she
 how will she
love him even better
now that he is here
nine months and four days and four little pounds
'baby boy' is here
but where will the next year take him
and the years following that
who will hold him
sway him
stay with him
through his days and his night
I pray Our Father
who has created and has placed him
here among us
with us
protect and love him into life.......


Thoughts for the day said...


S. Etole said...

blessings for that precious little one ...