Thursday, November 18, 2010

a day late and a dollar short

I used to be able to sit and do this first thing every morning

It is 4:00 in the afternoon!?
having reheated coffee
(that I never seem to have to time finish anymore either!)
and re reading the reflection I read this morning

it is actually yesterday's reflection
because I've been so half crazy
that I read today's yesterday
thinking it was Thursday?!?!

so this morning I went back and read today's

and I think it is just as it should have been
I needed what I read this morning...
this morning
not yesterday morning!?

even re reading it now brings me to tears, again

one of my favorite-go-to-for-reassurance verses is
Isaiah 62:10
    as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride
    so shall your God rejoice over you 
it was not part of today's readings
    [Revelation 4:1-11, Psalm 150:1-6, and Luke 19:1-28]
yet it's essence was part of today's readings!

sometimes I feel like...
I'm running in too many directions
focused on too many things
the wrong things
sometimes I lose who I am
focus on my lack
what is missing

feel so all alone

then I am reminded yet again of what it is all about
by words such as these

Keeping a heavenly reality in our minds
can help us find the right balance
as we go through our days.
Remember, one day, you will stand before the throne of God.
He who has known you from all time
will not just sit there unmoved,
He will rejoice over you!

Even now, God finds great joy in you.
He delights in your faith,
even as He sees the pockets of unbelief.
He rejoices over your courage,
your compassion,
and your love,
even as He sees your struggles with temptation.
He enjoys touching your heart,
helping you grow in holiness,
and giving you a taste of heaven right now.

All because He loves you.

There is so much we don't understand about God or heaven.
Words alone could never capture divine reality
not even the words of the Bible.
But there is one thing we can be sure of
God's love for each and every one of us is firm.
It is unchanging.
It is foundational to who we are and what we can become.
Every hope and dream,
every desire and longing,
every purpose and goal in our lives
finds its ultimate fulfillment in God
and in the home he has prepared for us.

So lift up your heart today,
no matter what your situation is!
Your Father has a perfect plan for you.
He rejoices in you NOW,
and He can't wait for the day
when you will finally see Him face to face!
                       November 17 The Word Among Us

1 comment:

S. Etole said...

thank you for sharing on this on just the right day ...